
CSS TUTORIALS - An Introduction

CSS refers to Cascading Style Sheets.CSS is used to control visual presentation of content in a web page .

               a:link {
                 color: red;
                 text-decoration: underline;
               p {
                   margin-top: 30px;
                   margin-bottom: 30px;


a:link - This is the selector part of CSS .It accesses all links in xhtml file . Multiple selectors can be used separating each with a comma(,) .
              a:link,h2,h3 {

Declaration block

              color: red;
              text-decoration: underline;

color -property
red - value

Property and value are separated by colon (:) .

color: red;
- gives red color to all links .

text-decoration: underline;-underlines the links text .

p-refers to the paragraph part of xhtml file .

margin-top: 30px;-a space of 30 pixel is left empty above the paragraph .

margin-bottom: 30px-a space of 30 pixel is left empty paragraph .

Complete list of CSS TUTORIALS:

Learn to use CSS
How to use CSS selectors
Learning CSS Cascade
What is CSS box model ?
Learn to apply CSS to your web page
Apply CSS on your sample web page
Apply CSS to your web page : PartIII
Apply CSS to your web page: Part IV
Apply CSS to your web page: Part V 
Apply CSS to your web page: Part VI